Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Video Review: The Good

Oh Take me Back to The Start...

Because I have already reviewed a scary video, I decided to review a video that I enjoy. First we should review what makes a video good, while there is the typical stuff such as acting, lighting and how the video makes the artists themselves look. How ever, for me to think that it is a good music video it has to have a message, or give me some type of feeling. If they manage to do this I believe that they have succeeded in making a good music video.

The music video that i have chosen is The Scientist by Coldplay. Coldplay is an rock band originating from London England, they formed in 1998. Coldplay has released numerous records over the years and have sold over 50 million records worldwide. The band has been influenced by Radio Head, U2, and Arcade Fire, but maintain an image and sound that is original.

One of my favorite songs from Coldplay is The Scientist. This single came off of the bands "A Rush of Blood to the Head" album and was instantly a hit. The video makes the song even more amazing with its creativity.

The song itself is about regrets, and wanting to take thing's back. The video's director did a great job of artistically showing this. The video is played in backwards slow motion at the beginning the viewer is confused but as the video progresses we understand what happens. Because the band is not the best looking folk, or the best actors this video is perfect for them. The viewer is more focused on the story they are trying to tell then the band itself, so you can focus more on the music.

One of my favourite shots in this video is when the lead singer Chris Martin (and band's front man) is standing in the forest and the leaves are falling up. This makes it look beautiful because of the lighting and way the scene is shown. I find this video even more interesting because this video is played backwards the lead singer had to learn all of the lyrics backwards. That takes time and effort I'm impressed...

Although I'm sure you've already seen it worth taking another look at, so amazing.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Scary Video

Scare Your Pants Off
Main Entry: scary
Pronunciation: \ˈsker-ē\
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): scar·i·er; scar·i·est
Date: 1582
1 : causing fright : alarming

2 : easily scared : timid

3 : feeling alarm or fright : frightened

This is the definition the Webster's dictionary gives for fear, but i personally think that it is a feeling that can't be defined. It comes in many forms, sometimes phycsological sometimes physical. And when your scared you get different feelings and levels, sometimes your stomach turns and you feel like your going to throw up sometimes your heart starts beating and your adrenaline kicks in.

For some reason people tend to love this feeling of being frightened, and although it can be horrible at the time people always want more. For years people have been trying to make films that give people this feeling. More often then not there attempts just end up a failure, and usually somewhat funny. However there is always an exception when a person can combine the right effects to actually make something that makes you scared, legit scared. this is usually achieved by uing tricks like lighting, special effects, and the person making the media investigating what truly scares people. I have found some videos that I have found truly frightening. However, they do not contain the patterns that most scary clips contain. The one I have chosen is a cartoon, and rather being in your face scary, it just plain creeps you out. Although it is just a cartoon it gives you a discomforting feeling, because it is so out of the norm. The first time I saw these videos it made me feel sick to my stomach, I cant explain why it just scared me in a weird way.

I figure u may like this Lobb, because its David Firth is genious and he loves the Aphex Twins, and Signur Ros... Enjoy.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Easy to Dance To, It's Got A good Beat.. I give it a 7.5

"I'll stick with you baby for a thousand years Nothings gonna touch you in these golden years"

David Bowie has remained a successful artist for almost five decades. He has influenced many bands throughout the years with his unique style and innovative approaches to music. Throughout the years he has had many hit singles, Golden Years some argue being the best of all.
Although Golden Years is an upbeat song with tons of funk, but despite the way the music sounds, the lyrics themselves are completely different. Because of Bowie's voice it is hard to decipher what he is saying, after going back and reading the lyrics after listening to the song, there kind of unexpected. While the song gives a scence of carefreeness, the lyrics tell a love story.

The song's intro begins with a little bass picking, then starts right in with the back up singers and the drums. The back up singers are a nice touch they add more groove to the song. It remains the same till there is some build up then finally the choirs kicks in. There is no solos in this song, not much variation and it fades out the exact same way it began.

I believe if it were not for the groovy beat and Bowie's voice, this song would be lacking. The uniqueness of his voice seems to be the only thing that adds variation to the song, otherwise it is just repeating itself.
Because David Bowie has such an individual sound it is hard to say which type of crowd would enjoy his music most. He sounds like Elvis Costello, on LSD. I would say anyone who enjoys somewhat glam underground music will dig it. Many bands today are influenced by Bowie's music, such as Iggy Pop, and more modern band such as She Wants Revenge.

Because this song is lacking structure, and variation I don't think it deserves a 10 on my rating scale but also not a low mark because of it's good beat, and funkiness. Also I just really love the back up singers. I would give this song a 7 on the American bandstand system, good overall tune.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


To get in the Halloween spirit I have constructed a list of the top horror movies I have ever seen and what makes them scary. This list will help me when my group goes to film there own scary movie.

The Silence of the Lambs' (1991)- Anthony Hopkins deserves a round of applause for his portrait of character Dr. Hannible Lecter. The Dr. is a former psychiatrist and cannibalistic serial killer. Combining the physcological characteristics of this character with the fact he is a serial killer makes for one of the most frightening characters ever played. I get chills every time I see the scene where Dr. Starling visits the physciatric hospital to talk to Hannible Lecter and he turns around. This movie doesn't have some of the characteristics of most horror films, but rather creeps you out in a way that makes you think.

The Others ( 2001)- This movie is scary mainly because of the two creepy kids, I find there paleness frightening. The part when the little girl turns into an old women is frightening, this is because the element of surprise. Also the creepy house which is the setting to this movie adds a large scare factor. The best part is the twist ending tot his movie, you find out that they are in fact the ghosts, and they are not alive. The people who live in the house are the new owner's, and they move out because they cannot get rid of this mother and her two children. Ending is definitely the creepiest, makes you consider even your own existence, which is never good.
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Texas Chainsaw Massacre(2003)- The scariest element of this movie is that they convince you that the story is real. Although Thomas Hewitt is a fictional character, they do a good job making you think he was a real person. Whenever a movie can do this, it contributes largely to the scare factor. Also, a move they use in this movie which makes it more scary is making an authority figure turn against them. Many times in life people rely on the police as a safety, and consider them someone who will help. In this movie the sheriff threatens them, and it is at this point that they know they are in trouble, and that there is something wrong with the town that they are in.

The Shining( 1980)- Twin little girls, enough said. This movie took siple images and made them horrifying. This mixed with Jack Nicholsons performace is outstanding. The child Danny has "the shining", or the ability to see into the future or past, and also to see ghost. The husband (Jack Torrance) goes crazy and tries to kill his wife and child, his reactions and expressions may be what is the scariest part of this movie. You get to see someone slowly go mad throughout the movie, and the effects that that has. The setting of the hotel is also creepy, being in such a large space where the past is alone is terrifying. This movie is one of the greatest horror movies made up till today.

Halloween( 2007) Classic. The movie starts centered in on a young Micheal Myers. He is frequently bullied at school, and also does not have a very good life at home. Halloween night he murders his step dad, sister and her boyfriend. After this he spends 15 years inside a mental hospital until one night he escapes. After this he goes back to his home town in search of is sister which is coincidently Halloween night. This movie is scary because of the good use of music and lighting. Rob Zombie sure knows how to make a movie.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Alternative/ Indie band Phoenix have exploded on the new music scene. Originating from France, the band has now earned international praise and fame. With there upbeat and catchy rhythms that still manage to remain individual, this band will soon be one that is very well reconized. Pheonix have realesed there new album Wolfgang Amedeus, and single "Lizstomania instantly became there most populuar single.

Lizstomania begins with an instantly catchy guituar picking, then kicks in with the drums. The combination immeditley gives you a good feel about the song. It made me feel like getting up and dancing, although at the same time I got a relaxing vibe from it. The sound is very simple, until his voice breaks in which I think adds a bice unique quality to the song. The lead singer Thomas Mars brings a unique voice to the band, he can go high or low, and it still seems to flow right with the beat.

The choars build up is very effective the drums and beat dies, and a piano kicks in. Right before the choars there is a low where it is just the singer with a piano, but soon the song kicks right back in with the beat and guituar for the choars. The band piAdd Imageck a nice assortmant of instruments that would compliment eachother rather than overshadow. The piano, bass, drums and guituar are all arranged nicely together to form great structure in this song.

A point where this song is lacking is the what seems to be hook where they repeat "this is my time, this is my time." I found this part uneffective and although I do understand what the band was trying to accomplish by adding a low darker part that builds up, I think it would just be better if it was not included.

Throughout the song I found myself trapping my feet and bobbing my head, which is a for sure sign that this was successfull. People who may also enjoy the sounds of Pheonix are fans of indie or electonic bands such as the Yeah, Yeah, Yeahs, Of Montreal, and Daft Punk.

Because this song gave me a feeling of happiness and just feel good vibes, I think it was successfull in what it was trying to produce. Definitly worth the time of checking out if you haven't heard of it. I give the song about a 8 out of ten, because I liked it but it didn't leave me in shock or with tears.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Media that I Consume

Kelsey Johnston



High school student from small town

Media surrounds me nearly every minute of the day weather I realize it or not. As a teenage girl I am in the target audience for many businesses and corporations, meaning they will do whatever it takes for me and other's like me to buy what there selling. It is my job to sift through all these products and decipher what's actually worth my time and money from what's not. The following is a list of different types of media that interest me.

Television- T.V is not one of my favourite types of media. I find that with most shows if you are not a regular viewer you may have troubles understanding what is happening in the program. Because of this I usually only watch about 2 or 3 hours a week. The shows I watch when I indulge in T.V are The Office, Kenny vs. Spenny, and South Park. These are all comedy's which are easy to follow and you don't really have to know the story to enjoy it. Some dramas that I do enjoy are Lost, and One Tree Hill.

Movies- Movies are probably the type of media that I spend the most money on, weather it is going to see a movie or purchasing them. Some of my favourite movies include Donnie Darko, Fight Club, The Breakfast Club, Forrest Gump, Pan's Labyrinth, and Step Brothers. Movie's that I have seen in the theater lately that were pretty enjoyable were The Hangover, and District 9.

Music- Music is surrounding me constantly, on my Ipod or on the radio. I collect records so I have a large selection of music at my home that I listen to nearly every day. You can usually find most records for very cheap prices at yard sales or just from people who no longer have use for them and are willing to give them away. However the collector items can come to be quite costly if they are rare and untouched. My favourite albums that I own are The White Album- The Beatles, and In Utero- Nirvana.

Books- I enjoy reading quite a lot, I spend probably about 1/2 hour a day reading just for enjoyment. I seem to like reading more when i can discover my own books rather than getting some handed to me and told to read it. Right now I'm pretty into the suspense novels particularly Stephen King. I'm currently reading Different Season's which is a book made up of 4 stories written by Stephen King including Apt. Pupil, and Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption. One of my favourite author's is Chuck Palhuink, my favourite book I've read by him is Haunted, Choke and Fight Club were also very well written.

To sum me up I'm not really sure what to say about myself. By reading this you probably have a better idea about me then I could tell you since judging or grouping yourself into a certain category is somewhat bias. For music my dad has been my biggest influence most of the records he owned when he was a kid he now passed down to me, and I'm into alot of the older rock that he listens to and introduced me to. I didn't include very many other electronics in my media overview because I'm not much of a "gamer". To tell the truth I'm just really not all that good at most video games besides my old school N64, but I cant keep up with all the new game systems. By that i guess you could take away that I'm not really much of a technology whiz I perfer things to be old school and dependent rather than new and flashy. From my T.V choices you can see I like T.V that is humerous, I think if im going to sit down and waste my time on a 30 minute program it atleast has to make me laugh. As for my love for reading that may make me out of the norm for kids of my age but I think that is only because they have not been introduced to books that they will actually enjoy, and look forward to reading.