Monday, November 9, 2009

Scary Video

Scare Your Pants Off
Main Entry: scary
Pronunciation: \ˈsker-ē\
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): scar·i·er; scar·i·est
Date: 1582
1 : causing fright : alarming

2 : easily scared : timid

3 : feeling alarm or fright : frightened

This is the definition the Webster's dictionary gives for fear, but i personally think that it is a feeling that can't be defined. It comes in many forms, sometimes phycsological sometimes physical. And when your scared you get different feelings and levels, sometimes your stomach turns and you feel like your going to throw up sometimes your heart starts beating and your adrenaline kicks in.

For some reason people tend to love this feeling of being frightened, and although it can be horrible at the time people always want more. For years people have been trying to make films that give people this feeling. More often then not there attempts just end up a failure, and usually somewhat funny. However there is always an exception when a person can combine the right effects to actually make something that makes you scared, legit scared. this is usually achieved by uing tricks like lighting, special effects, and the person making the media investigating what truly scares people. I have found some videos that I have found truly frightening. However, they do not contain the patterns that most scary clips contain. The one I have chosen is a cartoon, and rather being in your face scary, it just plain creeps you out. Although it is just a cartoon it gives you a discomforting feeling, because it is so out of the norm. The first time I saw these videos it made me feel sick to my stomach, I cant explain why it just scared me in a weird way.

I figure u may like this Lobb, because its David Firth is genious and he loves the Aphex Twins, and Signur Ros... Enjoy.

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