"I'll stick with you baby for a thousand years Nothings gonna touch you in these golden years"
David Bowie has remained a successful artist for almost five decades. He has influenced many bands throughout the years with his unique style and innovative approaches to music. Throughout the years he has had many hit singles, Golden Years some argue being the best of all.

Although Golden Years is an upbeat song with tons of funk, but despite the way the music sounds, the lyrics themselves are completely different. Because of Bowie's voice it is hard to decipher what he is saying, after going back and reading the lyrics after listening to the song, there kind of unexpected. While the song gives a scence of carefreeness, the lyrics tell a love story.
The song's intro begins with a little bass picking, then starts right in with the back up singers and the drums. The back up singers are a nice touch they add more groove to the song. It remains the same till there is some build up then finally the choirs kicks in. There is no solos in this song, not much variation and it fades out the exact same way it began.
I believe if it were not for the groovy beat and Bowie's voice, this song would be lacking. The uniqueness of hi
s voice seems to be the only thing that adds variation to the song, otherwise it is just repeating itself.

Because David Bowie has such an individual sound it is hard to say which type of crowd would enjoy his music most. He sounds like Elvis Costello, on LSD. I would say anyone who enjoys somewhat glam underground music will dig it. Many bands today are influenced by Bowie's music, such as Iggy Pop, and more modern band such as She Wants Revenge.
Because this song is lacking structure, and variation I don't think it deserves a 10 on my rating scale but also not a low mark because of it's good beat, and funkiness. Also I just really love the back up singers. I would give this song a 7 on the American bandstand system, good overall tune.
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