Alternative/ Indie band Phoenix have exploded on the new music scene. Originating from France, the band has now earned international praise and fame. With there upbeat and catchy rhythms that still manage to remain individual, this band will soon be one that is very well reconized. Pheonix have realesed there new album Wolfgang Amedeus, and single "Lizstomania instantly became there most populuar single.

Lizstomania begins with an instantly catchy guituar picking, then kicks in with the drums. The combination immeditley gives you a good feel about the song. It made me feel like getting up and dancing, although at the same time I got a relaxing vibe from it. The sound is very simple, until his voice breaks in which I think adds a bice unique quality to the song. The lead singer Thomas Mars brings a unique voice to the band, he can go high or low, and it still seems to flow right with the beat.
The choars build up is very effective the drums and beat dies, and a piano kicks in. Right before the choars there is a low where it is just the singer with a piano, but soon the song kicks right back in with the beat and guituar for the choars. The band pi
ck a nice assortmant of instruments that would compliment eachother rather than overshadow. The piano, bass, drums and guituar are all arranged nicely together to form great structure in this song.
A point where this song is lacking is the what seems to be hook where they repeat "this is my
time, this is my time." I found this part uneffective and although I do understand what the band was trying to accomplish by adding a low darker part that builds up, I think it would just be better if it was not included.
Throughout the song I found myself trapping my feet and bobbing my head, which is a for sure sign that this was successfull. People who may also enjoy the sounds of Pheonix are fans of indie or electonic bands such as the Yeah, Yeah, Yeahs, Of Montreal, and Daft Punk.
Because this song gave me a feeling of happiness and just feel good vibes, I think it was successfull in what it was trying to produce. Definitly worth the time of checking out if you haven't heard of it. I give the song about a 8 out of ten, because I liked it but it didn't leave me in shock or with tears.

Lizstomania begins with an instantly catchy guituar picking, then kicks in with the drums. The combination immeditley gives you a good feel about the song. It made me feel like getting up and dancing, although at the same time I got a relaxing vibe from it. The sound is very simple, until his voice breaks in which I think adds a bice unique quality to the song. The lead singer Thomas Mars brings a unique voice to the band, he can go high or low, and it still seems to flow right with the beat.
The choars build up is very effective the drums and beat dies, and a piano kicks in. Right before the choars there is a low where it is just the singer with a piano, but soon the song kicks right back in with the beat and guituar for the choars. The band pi

A point where this song is lacking is the what seems to be hook where they repeat "this is my

Throughout the song I found myself trapping my feet and bobbing my head, which is a for sure sign that this was successfull. People who may also enjoy the sounds of Pheonix are fans of indie or electonic bands such as the Yeah, Yeah, Yeahs, Of Montreal, and Daft Punk.
Because this song gave me a feeling of happiness and just feel good vibes, I think it was successfull in what it was trying to produce. Definitly worth the time of checking out if you haven't heard of it. I give the song about a 8 out of ten, because I liked it but it didn't leave me in shock or with tears.
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