To get in the Halloween spirit I have constructed a list of the top horror movies I have ever seen and what makes them scary. This list will help me when my group goes to film there own scary movie.

The Silence of the Lambs' (1991)- Anthony Hopkins deserves a round of applause for his portrait of character Dr. Hann
ible Lecter. The Dr. is a former psychiatrist and cannibalistic serial killer. Combining the physcological characteristics of this character with the fact he is a serial killer makes for one of the most frightening characters ever played. I get chills every time I see the scene where Dr. Starling visits the physciatric hospital to talk to Hannible Lecter and he turns around. This movie doesn't have some of the characteristics of most horror films, but rather creeps you out in a way that makes you think.

The Others ( 2001)- This movie is scary mainly because of the two creepy kids, I find there paleness frightening. Th
e part when the little girl turns into an old women is frightening, this is because the element of surprise. Also the creepy house which is the setting to this movie adds a large scare factor. The best part is the twist ending tot his movie, you find out that they are in fact the ghosts, and they are not alive. The people who live in the house are the new owner's, and they move out because they cannot get rid of this mother and her two children. Ending is definitely the creepiest, makes you consider even your own existence, which is never good.

Texas Chainsaw Massacre(2003)- The scariest element of this movie is that they convince you that the s
tory is real. Although Thomas Hewitt is a fictional character, they do a good job making you think he was a real person. Whenever a movie can do this, it contributes largely to the scare factor. Also, a move they use in this movie which makes it more scary is making an authority figure turn against them. Many times in life people rely on the police as a safety, and consider them someone who will help. In this movie the sheriff threatens them, and it is at this point that they know they are in trouble, and that there is something wrong with the town that they are in.

The Shining( 1980
)- Twin little girls, enough said. This movie took siple images and made them horrifying. This mixed with Jack Nicholsons performace is outstanding. The child Danny has "the shining", or the ability to see into the future or past, and also to see ghost. The husband (Jack Torrance) goes crazy and tries to kill his wife and child, his reactions and expressions may be what is the scariest part of this movie. You get to see someone slowly go mad throughout the movie, and the effects that that has. The setting of the hotel is also creepy, being in such a large space where the past is alone is terrifying. This movie is one of the greatest horror movies made up till today.

( 2007) Classic. The movie starts centered in on a young Micheal Myers. He is frequently bullied at school, and also does not have a very good life at home. Halloween night he murders his step dad, sister and her boyfriend. After this he spends 15 years inside a mental hospital until one night he escapes. After this he goes back to his home town in search of is sister which is coincidently Halloween night. This movie is scary because of the good use of music and lighting. Rob Zombie sure knows how to make a movie.