Monday, September 28, 2009

Media that I Consume

Kelsey Johnston



High school student from small town

Media surrounds me nearly every minute of the day weather I realize it or not. As a teenage girl I am in the target audience for many businesses and corporations, meaning they will do whatever it takes for me and other's like me to buy what there selling. It is my job to sift through all these products and decipher what's actually worth my time and money from what's not. The following is a list of different types of media that interest me.

Television- T.V is not one of my favourite types of media. I find that with most shows if you are not a regular viewer you may have troubles understanding what is happening in the program. Because of this I usually only watch about 2 or 3 hours a week. The shows I watch when I indulge in T.V are The Office, Kenny vs. Spenny, and South Park. These are all comedy's which are easy to follow and you don't really have to know the story to enjoy it. Some dramas that I do enjoy are Lost, and One Tree Hill.

Movies- Movies are probably the type of media that I spend the most money on, weather it is going to see a movie or purchasing them. Some of my favourite movies include Donnie Darko, Fight Club, The Breakfast Club, Forrest Gump, Pan's Labyrinth, and Step Brothers. Movie's that I have seen in the theater lately that were pretty enjoyable were The Hangover, and District 9.

Music- Music is surrounding me constantly, on my Ipod or on the radio. I collect records so I have a large selection of music at my home that I listen to nearly every day. You can usually find most records for very cheap prices at yard sales or just from people who no longer have use for them and are willing to give them away. However the collector items can come to be quite costly if they are rare and untouched. My favourite albums that I own are The White Album- The Beatles, and In Utero- Nirvana.

Books- I enjoy reading quite a lot, I spend probably about 1/2 hour a day reading just for enjoyment. I seem to like reading more when i can discover my own books rather than getting some handed to me and told to read it. Right now I'm pretty into the suspense novels particularly Stephen King. I'm currently reading Different Season's which is a book made up of 4 stories written by Stephen King including Apt. Pupil, and Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption. One of my favourite author's is Chuck Palhuink, my favourite book I've read by him is Haunted, Choke and Fight Club were also very well written.

To sum me up I'm not really sure what to say about myself. By reading this you probably have a better idea about me then I could tell you since judging or grouping yourself into a certain category is somewhat bias. For music my dad has been my biggest influence most of the records he owned when he was a kid he now passed down to me, and I'm into alot of the older rock that he listens to and introduced me to. I didn't include very many other electronics in my media overview because I'm not much of a "gamer". To tell the truth I'm just really not all that good at most video games besides my old school N64, but I cant keep up with all the new game systems. By that i guess you could take away that I'm not really much of a technology whiz I perfer things to be old school and dependent rather than new and flashy. From my T.V choices you can see I like T.V that is humerous, I think if im going to sit down and waste my time on a 30 minute program it atleast has to make me laugh. As for my love for reading that may make me out of the norm for kids of my age but I think that is only because they have not been introduced to books that they will actually enjoy, and look forward to reading.